August 17, 2012 is Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya's next court date VS the Teaneck BOA. What do you think will occur on August 17th? What will Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya do?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Top 10 Things Teaneckers Did/Are Doing During The Teaneck Storm's Aftermath

(Sorry I couldn't post earlier)

10. Use the State of Emergency designation to take a day off from work even though you have power, cable, heat and working hot water

9. The neighborhood kids use your basement for a block pool party. Everyone pools their defrosted meats for a grilling good time

8. Drink more tea or coffee than any normal human can handle. Why should you waste all that perfectly good boiling hot water?

7. Troll the local stores for water, ice and flashlights. Then sit and stew while your facebook friends discuss all the popular shows and you can't watch them

6. Wonder how PSEG decides who gets their power back first

5. Hang out with neighbors you usually avoid. Reminisce about past catastrophes like old friends. Make false promises to hang out in the near future

4. Earn your stripes as an amateur photographer taking pictures of the destruction of houses, fallen trees and crushed cars while the owners of the houses, trees and cars look on in defeat

3. Watch in amazement as tree after tree gets run through the wood chipper while listening to Rush - The Trees

2. Take up Teaneck Kosher Corner Grocery, located on the corner of Teaneck Rd. and Forest, up on their gracious offer for a free dinner because your house, apartment or coop is blacked out. Sweet deal!

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