August 17, 2012 is Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya's next court date VS the Teaneck BOA. What do you think will occur on August 17th? What will Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya do?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Educational Solutions

Everyone in Teaneck is talking education. Educational reform, budget cuts and rising taxes are the latest watercooler/Kiddush talk. Here at macdmusings, the discussion is not about the scope and range of the problem, but practical creative solutions to help fix the educational system.

Teaneck's HS students need to increase the level of their working vocabulary. Macdmusings has compiled a list of vital SAT words geared to improve their scores on their SATs.

1. grifter - Master of the sleight of hand. Taking checks written out to and intended for one organization and depositing it into another. Etz Chaim's Elliot Frome is the epitome of a grifter. It helps to have a gambling pedigree and a gambler's genetics.

2. deserter - Running away like a little coward when the road gets tough. Gary Miller is a shining example of what someone knee deep in Etz Chaim's shadiness does when the doodoo is hitting the fan.

3. destabilization - After April 15, she will have been actively involved with 3 different synagogues in the span of 5 years. Elliot Frome's partner in signing false documents, Ms. Rochelle Mandelbaum is a destabilizing presence causing major problems for the synagogue and then leaving. Etz Chaim, Arzei Darom and now Beth Aaron, will your synagogue be next?

4. humble - Not blushing every time one of your followers lets anyone who will listen know that you should already be a Rosh Yeshiva at YU, is a true sign of humility.

5. marionette - Robert Erlich, as abrasive as he is, is merely a puppet of Etz Chaim's true leadership. He is a true member of Bnei Yekusiel.

6. visionary - The jackass who came up with genius idea to call the shtibshul a family room. Another example of a visionary is Allan Cohen, creator and originator of Torat Chesed, Toras Chesed and 554 Queen Anne Road, Inc. He must have learned strategy from the "Godfather" of Video Poker Lenny Frome's books.

7. protexia - Being bbfs with Rabbi Rothwachs, Rabbi Yuden's son in law, being a card carrying member of YU's semikha club and being the golden child of the RCBC.

8. congenial - From their dealings with Arzei Darom and the Jewish Center to Betty Gable's letters and today's frosty war with their neighbors, Etz Chaim and it's members are synonymous with congeniality towards others.

9. quiescent - The inaction of the local Rabbis towards Etz Chaim and their claims of discrimination.

10. discrimination - Etz Chaim's portrayal of Teaneck and all local non-Jews.

I hope you learned a lot from this lesson. Score high SAT Takers. Score high.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand what Bnai Yekusiel means. Please explain.

Anonymous said...

Gary Miller doesn't go to etz chaim anymore. I heard he jumped ship and went to netivot shalom.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Netivot? Really? Guess he didn't fit in with the Feldman Doctrine. Dd he push for a Rabbah?

Anonymous said...

I believe that Gary Miller goes to Arzei now, have an enjoyable Pesach. Everyone hates us and we hate ourselves (Jew vs Jew) what a world.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

What are YOU doing to help besides a flippant comment on blog? ? Have you asked Rabbi Feldman, Robert Erlich or any of the principles themselves to rectify the situation? I didn't think so

They have committed fraud, falsified documents and many other shady dealings. You seem to be ok with that.

If you are ok with Etz Chaim's shady dealings and they don't offend you, but this blog does, then you need severe help sir.

Anonymous said...

testy testy and what are doing to help the situation, nothing. Besides hiding behind a fake name continually defaming others (because you hate them) and attempting to ultimately detroy one person's reputation in particular you are doing nothing to help the situation. You sir are the one in need of help, serious counseling would be in order, anger management perhaps, shock therapy, the choice is yours but you are obviously someone with far too much time on their hands

TiredOfTruthiness said...

Lol. Planned that comment all yuntif? Shluffy glad you wrote this guy a vocabulary lesson. When are you losers going to prove macd wrong? Hard to argue with the truth. Keep up the great work macd.

Anonymous said...

Tired of Truthiness has a good point. When are we going to see some real arguments here? Macdougal brings documents and proof for his disagreement with Etz Chaim. All that Etz Chaim's supporters bring is rhetoric and insults. Let's see some real documentation that proves that Mac is wrong?

Anonymous said...

I dont understand something. If this whole torat/toras chaim was a scam to mislead amd steal, how come no one has brought charges against etz chaim? If I were ripped off, I would certainly, at the very least, demand my money back. Has this occurred, and if not, why not?

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Great question! You have to ask Allan Cohen or Elliot Frome if anyone demanded their money back or complained (beyond what I reported in the previous article). There was a feeling of disbelief that Rabbi Feldman would allow something like this to happen n

Not everyone is as litigious as the members of Etz Chaim. Besides, it is a recent phenomena that Jews resist against fraud. Back then, even 3 years ago, no one would consider taking a Jewish organization to court, especially one headed by a respected Rabbi.

Maybe someone closer to the situation can chime in?

Anonymous said...

So why did you not call the F B I Mac, what up. so ya doin anythin this shabbat huh huh huh

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Mr. Anonymous April 1, 2010 9:56 PM

If I donated money to ToraT Chesed and my check was deposited into the ToraS Chesed account OR if Allan Cohen put my name on the Torat Chesed corporate documents without my knowledge and then Elliot Frome tried to sass me to sign the nondisclosure waiver, you bet your ass I would have run, not walked, to report them to the Department of State or Attorney General. If that failed I would then go to the FBI.

And when I reported them, I would include the entire Boards of both ToraS Chesed and 554 Queen Anne Rd, Inc. (They are the same), the people who started them, their trustees and President Robert Erlich.

If anyone reading this blog had either scenario happen to them, I suggest you report these brazen people and their precious Etz Chaim to the proper authorities.

There will be no more hiding criminal activity merely because people are "Jews".

Anonymous said...

but you have all this evidence at your disposal, right. Now you daven in Pressburger, are a Zeirler guy and yet you know what the reaction of the former Merkaz minyan members was when they discovered this alleged fraud in 2007? How would you know that? unless you left the Center when the rest of us left. When asked, Rabbi Zeirler indicated that if he knew one of his loyal congregants was running a blog such as this, he would never approve of it. In fact he thought it was reprehensible. Now I will admit, I know not who you are, but you are not a 60, 70, 80 or 90 year old dude who davens in Pressburger. have a gutten shabbos

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:01. Even if MacDougal has all the evidence (and anyone can see that he has a lot of info) I think he is doing the right thing by encouraging the victims here of the Torat/Toras incorporation fraud to go to the authorities. These guys may just not want to get involved in this mess caused by the Etz Chaim people. Sometimes even if you know you are right it is better for your own sanity to not do anything. Its a tough moral question - do you stand up to the bully who will publicly brand you as a traitor and evil; or do you take a step back and let karma take over? Etz Chaim wil probably get its variances but WE ALL know the truth and karma WILL in the end come back and bite the whole Etz Chaim crew in the ass.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

I will make this brief
1. You are no Perry Mason, Quincy or Columbo.
2. EVERYONE has access to the same documents that I do. Its all public record. You must also believe that no one in Teaneck ever talks or that people can't separate synagogue politics from their interpersonal relationships
3. Rabbi Zierler does not want to be dragged into your cesspool. He has had a lifetimes worth of Etz Chaim stupidity and he is done with you.

When I have time, I will post excerpts from Rabbi Feldman's goodbye letter to the Center. How do I have a copy? You would't believe me anyway supersleuth. Maybe the letter will inspire the victims into action.

Shabbat Shalom Scooby

Anonymous said...

you go girl, keep up that Facade, nice way to evade the question. good moed you angry dude you

Anonymous said...

MacDougel didn't avoid the question! he encourages the victims of the crime to report it to the authorities. The department of state and attorney general will be more interested in hearing from the victims than a concerned citizen. Since the victim's names were used without their permission they have been harmed because their reputations have been connected forever with Etz Chaim's thuggery. But the victims probably feel they will be victimized even more by Etz Chaim if they do go to law enforcement so I understand their reluctance.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Who is Shmuely Goldstein? Didn't click the link. Good try.

I answered your question. Hooked on phoenics might help.

Anonymous said...

Is Shmuley Goldstein maybe Moshe Goldstein - Etz Chaim has a tendency to change names, lol. He is a member of Etz Chaim and his wife was a bigwig with their management committee.

Anonymous said...

Shmuely, Moshe completely irrelevant. Answer the question. You go girl evade, evade, evade in some ways you fool yourself. make all the hateful comments you want, but will you answer the question truthfully, HMMMMMM

Anonymous said...

If history is not important or relevant why is Etz Chaim so worried about MacDougal or the people whose names were unwittingly used on the incorporation documents going to the authorities? Your attorney kept on saying that the past has no bearing on the variance application but when it is discussed on the blog you Etz Chaim people get your underwear in a bunch. Guilty conscience? Probably not because stone cold Cohen, mad scientist Geralnik, card shark Fromme, Napoleon Levine and "the skirt" aka Beth Aaron board member wannabe Mandelbaum have no conscience.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Napoleon Levine?

Anonymous said...

Napoleon cause he is also short and wants to take over the world. Don't know if Napoleon could lain as brilliantly.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

ToraT/ToraS is common knowledge, especially if you talk to ANY of the former Kotel members.

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