I have to start somewhere, so I guess an introduction is the best way to begin.
My name is Shluffenheimer MacDougal. I grew up in the Highlands just outside of a distillery.
I was born a month overdue and my mummy wouldn't stop screaming at night from the pain I had caused her from my kicking and sitting on her bladder, all the way to my eventual naturally birth. There was no time to get my mum the proper anesthetic to ease her pain. They named me Shluffenheimer because everyone in the house was finally able to get sleep after my birth.
I have made my home in Bergen County, NJ and I read all of local papers. Teaneck in particular interests me, especially the Blogs. I look forward to your answers and comments. Please keep the conversation constructive. I appreciate candor and truth. Alternative opinions to my own are respectfully accepted.
I will moderate based on violating these basic parameters. If you can't abide by them, please move on.
Have fun,
Shluffenheimer MacDougal
Updated 2/19/2010
The information in this weblog is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
This weblog does not represent the thoughts intentions, plans or strategies of anyone but me. It is solely my opinion. Feel free to challenge me or disagree with me. This weblog is intended to provide a semi- permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memes running around my brain.
I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive profane, rude, or anonymous comments) - so keep it polite and stay on topic please. Be aware that all comments on postings over 3 days old will be subject to moderation.
Enjoy and happy blogging.
- Adapted fromScottD Musings and Alex Barnett's Blog