August 17, 2012 is Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya's next court date VS the Teaneck BOA. What do you think will occur on August 17th? What will Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya do?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Challenge Rescinded

Posting Update 8/5/12 10:00pm:

The imposter's comment magically disappeared from Teaneck Patch, but the memory lives on. As does my comment with links to this blog :-) I should thank the imported for increasing the traffic to this blog, but I don't thank charlatans.


An Etz Chaim member, the same one with all the pro Etz Chaim comments on here has posted a comment on the Patch using MY NAME. This was his comment:

shluffenheimer Macdougal

If you check my website Macdougal Musings, you will see that I have issued a challenge to Rabbi Feldman and his Congregation Ohr Saadya. Although I think the Lawsuit against the Teaneck Board of Adjustment is wrong, I have done some self reflection since posting that challenge. I have come to realize that by creating this blog I have continually defamed Rabbi Feldman along with Robert Erlich and the rest of his congregation. I have Actually acted like a complete Jerk. My actions have been dispicable, reprehensible and morally wrong. I own a deep apology to Rabbi Feldman for my absolutely childish and inexcusable conduct. I have also defamed people of Scottish decent for using the name Macdougal. Please consider dropping your lawsuit for it is wrong and bad for the town. However, two wrongs do not make a right and I have been an absolute jerk and am unworthy of being a part of this Community, please forgive my inexcusable actions and continuous infantile behavior. I hope that your congregation grows to be a great success.

I never posted this nor will I ever post a comment such as this one. I have nothing to apologize for rentlessly pursuing the truth about the fraudulent actions of the synagogue founded and spiritually lead by Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Robert Erlich - President and defended by Akiva Shapiro.

My response:

This is the REAL Shluffenheimer MacDougal, registered member of Teaneck Patch. Not the imposter posting in my name.

A Comment from the REAL Shluffenheimer MacDougal:

Due to the comment above this one from Saturday night August 4th at 10:43pm, pretending to be me, I am rescinding my Challenge to Etz Chaim as seen on and the blog isn't going anywhere.

The commentor above this comment is a charlatan and a sham. A coward posting in my name. Typical Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya Identity theft fraud. Anyone who has read my blog knows that my english, grammar, diction and style does not match the faker above.

I will never and have never ever apologized for anything in my blog, even within the confines of my challenge. What Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya and Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman is doing is wrong and harmful to the entire Jewish community of Teaneck.

It is time for the Jews of Teaneck to say something and speak out to the leadership of Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya.


Friday, August 3, 2012

The MacDougal Challenge

There were the 
Rock N' Roller cola wars 
of the 1980's
Coke Vs. Pepsi 
a classic battle fought 
in the 7-11s around the country 
on a daily basis.

There was the Thrilla in Manilla
Smoking Joe Frazier VS. Muhammad Ali

There was England VS. the Scots
Our fight for freedom

Budweiser VS. Bud Light
The fight for your buzz

But those battles are nothing 
compared to the upcoming battle 
on August 17, 2012!

554 Queen Anne Rd. DBA
Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya 


Teaneck Board of Adjustment

In the spirit of Shabbat Nachamu,
a nice comforting Weekend
usually filled with a nice big 
Etz Chaim L'Chaim
at 554 Queen Anne Rd,
I am challenging
Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya
The MacDougal Challenge.

The challenge is as follows
I will NOT post anything new on the blog
about Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya
Friday August 3, 2012
Thursday August 16, 2012
at 11:59pm.


554 Queen Anne Rd DBA: 
Torat Chesed/ Toras Chesed/ 
Etz Chaim/ Ohr Saadya
must drop their lawsuit against the BOA 
and the entire township of Teaneck
(Not ask for a continuance, settle, postpone or delay - They must DROP the lawsuit)
and apply for everything they want
through normal accepted channels.

IF Ohr Saadya completes the challenge successfully
and drops the lawsuit,
I will take the blog offline
and it will stay offline
until they try to merge 
576 Queen Anne Rd
with 544 Queen Anne Rd.
Then I come back online.

President Robert Erlich 
Founder & Spiritual Leader
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman:

The clock is ticking!

Monday, July 30, 2012

See Something Say Something

Countries around the world have ways to report activities or packages that one might even just suspect of being harmful and if you know it is harmful, it must definitely be reported.

In England you can see signs like this one

In Israel you can see scenes like these

Even in America you can see signs like this one in Washington, DC

At a nuclear facilities there are signs like this

And in NYC, after 9/11 you can see signs like this

Everywhere in the world, parents tell their children to watch out for strangers and suspicious activities. Adults report all suspicious and criminal activities to the authorities.

Unless you are an ORTHODOX Jews and the impropriety involves other Jews or Synagogues. Look at the news today and read about all of the deeds that were hidden for years and communities falling apart because nothing was said. Even their Rabbis, their spiritual leaders, preached for silence.

This blog is asking for Teaneck residents, Jew and Non-Jew, to stand up to Etz Chaim. Say something to Rabbi Feldman and the RCBC about the Torat/Toras fraud, the filing for the family room, nasty treatment of the neighbors (Jew and Non-Jew alike) and frivilous lawsuit against Teaneck taxpayers.

Rabbi Feldman is being PAID for his silence

The friends of Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya will never admit wrongdoing. Be brave and be strong and tell your friends that they need to drop the lawsuit and approach the BOA through proper channels like every other synagogue in Teaneck.

It time to SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING in Teaneck. ITs time for Jews not to be silent at injustices, but vocal to their leaders. Make Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya follow the same rules as every other synagogue, church, mosque and non profit business in Teaneck.

Just because a Rabbi is cool and learned and is a man of the cloth, doesn't make him infallible.

Friday, July 27, 2012

New Beginnings

A special Tisha B'Av Drusha from my brother
Rabbi Zitzinheimer MacDougal on the laws of Tisha B' Av

Rabbeisai (Holy Rabbis) Tesha Bav is a special time where all the yiddishe kinder (Jewish people) take the time to actually sit during a weekday. No running, jumping, hopping, skipping, rolling or dancing for Hashem's holy children. In a technically advanced age this is a big deal for anyone not just all the yiddishe kinder. Tomorrow night is a very holy night for sitting and listening to Eicha the holy book that is read on Tesha Bav.

Not only must we sit but we must sit on the floor or on small stools or technologically advanced mini beach chairs. The beach is assur (not permissible) to go to and stare at the scantily clad women without schvim kleids, the chairs are ok to use in Shul, unless of course there is a scantily clad woman on the chair. That is Assur of the highest degree, but the nekeivas (women) are nice to look at and really helps the concentration. 

One may not wear leather shoes because its super comfortable and a sign of being rich when we are supposed to be like a poor person mourning and feeling sad. Rabbosai you may wear the Tretorn Skymra SL Lace-Up Canvas Sneaker because it is made of canvas not leather. You can perform a huge hiddur mitzveh (enhancement) for Tesha Bav and buy it on amazon for $750.

Drinking and eating is not permitted on the holy tzoim (fast) yum tuv (holiday) of Tesha Bav unless you are suffering from pavlovian urges and really get hungry for a delectable hot kiddush and mashke when you drive by or get to shul. I posskin that you follow the Hydra Rav and use vitamin suppositories to nourish to body like a hydra.

You may not wash your hantelach (hands) past your knuckles, but roiv (most) people don't seem to wash them  so this halucheh (law) is one you don't have to remember anyway.

For the best Tesha Bav experience, I recommend a Shul with a women's section, with lots of mashke (booze) and loose moral standards with fraud and gambling, a Ninve (Non Jewish city that Jonah got to repent after the whale vomited him up) if you will like the one at the residence of the brilliant Bekiyus (proficiency) of the Rav of YU at 554 Queen Anne Rd.

But I digress. I would like to share something I read on Tesha Bav that is fitting for our times and Shluffenheimer's message to the sefardim (spanish/porteguese/middle eastern Jews) at Ohr Saadya. It is from the and it has shaychis (appropriateness) to the matzav (situation) in Teaneck with Ohr Saadya today.

The prophet Jeremiah spent years warning his people that they repent and stop insisting that the Temple would protect them. To his chagrin, the Jews honored the Temple more in spectacle than in spirit.

But, the Jews ignored him, even imprisoned him, and to his unbearable agony, he was proven right. The Temple was destroyed, the people ravaged, the nation dispersed and he was the witness.

The book of Eichah is timeless. Although it was composed in the wake of the end of the first Temple era, the Sages of the Midrash find it full of allusions to the destruction of the second Temple, over 500 years later. This is not at all an anachronism, because Jewish history is a continuum. Just as we live by the torah that was given over 33 centuries ago, so we are molded by the experiences of our forbears and the historical epochs they created.

Jeremiah weeps and we weep with him, because – if we are thoughtful and perceptive – we can see all of Jewish history in the dirges of Eichah. This is the challenge of Tisha B’av. Can we realize that this is not merely a day of tears, but of challenge and hope?
The book of Eichah calls Tisha B’av "a day of Jewish rendezvous with G-d" and we don’t recite Tachanun because it has elements of a festival.

Rendezvous with G-d? Festival? On a day of destruction and suffering? Yes, because Tisha B’av proves that G-d is not indifferent to Jewish conduct. We matter to him. And since we do, we know that He awaits our repentance and that there will be a third Temple, an eternal one.

The Sages say that the Messiah will be born on Tisha B’av. Let us read Eichah with the prayerful hope that he has already been born and that this day next year will be a day of joy.
OY! Alla Da Yiddisher Kinder should know that Shluffenheimer is like the prophet Jeremiah in that he weeps and cries and lives through the scorn and deridation of the Jewish people of Etz Chaim and Ohr Saadya as they ignore his lessons and pleas for repentance for their actions that affect all the yiddishe kinder. 

Hashem watches and judges the actions of am Yisroel (the Jewish people) and the actions of these Ohr Saadya and Robert Erlich and Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman and Zalman Levine and Akiva Shapiro and Rachelle Mandelbaum are causing negativity towards Jews and a huge chillul (embarrassment towards) Hashem and towards the yiddishe kinder of Teaneck. 

Rabbi Feldman's disciples who comment on this holy blog with their foul language embody all the negative traits of the Ninve at 554 Queen Anne Rd. 

Rabbosai there is hope in these troubled times.

I use the heilige (holy) term Ninve because just like the inhabitants of Ninve repented for their evil ways there is hope for the future of all the yiddishe kinder and the sefardim at Ohr Saadya that they will repent and return to the fold of the tzibbur (the community) of Teaneck.

As we say in Eicha:
Hashivenu Hashem Eilecha VenaShuva - Chadesh Yameinu KeKedem
Bring us back to you Hashem, and we shall return, renew our days as of old

Drop the lawsuit heilige neshama (holy soul) Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Robert Erlich and Akiva Shapiro and approach the Board of Adjustment with love and respect and don't forget 
אנחנו חייבים לבצע את חוקי המדינה בה אנו נמצאים.

While we are in golus (exile) we must follow the laws of the country we are in and Ohr Saadya should file for everything they want for their family room in the BOA of Teaneck, the way that Hashem wants them to.

Have a good shabbos and a meaningful fast,

Rabbi Zitzinheimer MacDougal

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Free High Holiday Tickets At The Jewish Center

Sadly, this was lost and buried in the previous posting:

Do you need High Holiday Tickets?
Free Synagogue High Holiday Tickets
to new members of the community
(those who have lived in the area for two years or less).
70 Sterling Place

We all know there is something very special about the High Holidays. 
It’s a time when all Jews want to connect to the community…
and EZ Key will help you do just that with this exciting offer of free High Holidays tickets 
for at the Jewish Center of Teaneck in your area.
For the High Holidays 2012, synagogues in the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey area 
are opening their doors to new members of the community* and offering them High Holiday tickets   
(those who have lived in the area for two years or less), as a way of saying “Welcome.”

To participate in this one-time offer per individual/family, click here: request free tickets  
and let us welcome you with free tickets to celebrate the holidays at the synagogue.


Tell a friend!!!!!

Offer ends September 7, 2012

* Please note:  This offer is valid for family members residing at the same address (parents and children up to age 25).  Children age 25 or older may apply for their own EZ Key tickets.  Every effort will be made to accommodate your request for High Holiday tickets and to honor your synagogue preference.  However, we cannot guarantee availability.

Something Kosher Is Happening At The Center

Taking a break in the action to bring an important report from 
The ORTHODOX Jewish Center of Teaneck.

Board Bits: A Report on the June 6 Center Board Meeting
A discussion took place about the possibility of the Jewish Center joining the Orthodox Union (OU).
Questions were raised as to whether the benefi ts of membership would outweigh the costs.
David Schwartz discussed the advantages of joining:
The OU can provide many services to “new growth synagogues,”
including mission statements, strategic planning, mentoring, growing membership,
program ideas and execution, youth department, Shabbatonim, committees,
support groups, fundraising and budgeting, promotion, guidance in office management,
activism, and public policy.

They have a formula for determining dues based on membership,
but they have said they will work with us,
and money will not be an deterrent to our joining.

A motion was made and seconded that the Jewish Center join the OU;
the motion passed.

MacDougal's Take: 
We have never allied with any organization since the beginning of the Center's existence and stayed independent of the Conservative movement. In order to become and mainstream synagogue acceptable to all walks of Orthodoxy, now is the right time to join the OU. The Orthodox Union is an organization that is open to all different types of Jews, including those becoming more and more affiliated with Orthodoxy. This is the right move at the right time. Kudos Rabbi Lawrence Zierler and the religious committee on a job well done.

Free High Holiday Tickets at the Jewish Center 
Free High Holiday Tickets at the Jewish Center to New Members of the Community
Who Have Lived In The Area For Two Years Or Less
Contact the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey For More Information Click on the link…

Tell a friend!!!!!

This posting has been certified Kosher