August 17, 2012 is Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya's next court date VS the Teaneck BOA. What do you think will occur on August 17th? What will Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya do?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Challenge Rescinded

Posting Update 8/5/12 10:00pm:

The imposter's comment magically disappeared from Teaneck Patch, but the memory lives on. As does my comment with links to this blog :-) I should thank the imported for increasing the traffic to this blog, but I don't thank charlatans.


An Etz Chaim member, the same one with all the pro Etz Chaim comments on here has posted a comment on the Patch using MY NAME. This was his comment:

shluffenheimer Macdougal

If you check my website Macdougal Musings, you will see that I have issued a challenge to Rabbi Feldman and his Congregation Ohr Saadya. Although I think the Lawsuit against the Teaneck Board of Adjustment is wrong, I have done some self reflection since posting that challenge. I have come to realize that by creating this blog I have continually defamed Rabbi Feldman along with Robert Erlich and the rest of his congregation. I have Actually acted like a complete Jerk. My actions have been dispicable, reprehensible and morally wrong. I own a deep apology to Rabbi Feldman for my absolutely childish and inexcusable conduct. I have also defamed people of Scottish decent for using the name Macdougal. Please consider dropping your lawsuit for it is wrong and bad for the town. However, two wrongs do not make a right and I have been an absolute jerk and am unworthy of being a part of this Community, please forgive my inexcusable actions and continuous infantile behavior. I hope that your congregation grows to be a great success.

I never posted this nor will I ever post a comment such as this one. I have nothing to apologize for rentlessly pursuing the truth about the fraudulent actions of the synagogue founded and spiritually lead by Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Robert Erlich - President and defended by Akiva Shapiro.

My response:

This is the REAL Shluffenheimer MacDougal, registered member of Teaneck Patch. Not the imposter posting in my name.

A Comment from the REAL Shluffenheimer MacDougal:

Due to the comment above this one from Saturday night August 4th at 10:43pm, pretending to be me, I am rescinding my Challenge to Etz Chaim as seen on and the blog isn't going anywhere.

The commentor above this comment is a charlatan and a sham. A coward posting in my name. Typical Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya Identity theft fraud. Anyone who has read my blog knows that my english, grammar, diction and style does not match the faker above.

I will never and have never ever apologized for anything in my blog, even within the confines of my challenge. What Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya and Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman is doing is wrong and harmful to the entire Jewish community of Teaneck.

It is time for the Jews of Teaneck to say something and speak out to the leadership of Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya.



Anonymous said...

So crazy! These Etz Chaim geniuses switch corporate names to dupe people, they use people's names without their permission on corporate documents. MacDougal, you really shouldn't be surprised at all that these moral paragons of the community try to get away with stealing your name too. Was just a matter of time!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work especially on the patch. Keep the truth alive

Anonymous said...

Long live the REAL MacD

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