August 17, 2012 is Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya's next court date VS the Teaneck BOA. What do you think will occur on August 17th? What will Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya do?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Surefire Way To Get Approved on Wednesday

This was forwarded to me and I feel it is good solid vital advice for Etz Chaim, Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, its moral compass, Robert Erlich, its fearless figurehead president and its planning committee puppets to use on Wednesday at the BOA meeting.

It is a surefire way to get the approvals you need for 554 Queen Anne Rd from the township:

Building permit

I just applied for a building permit for a new house.

It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide with 9 turrets
at various heights and windows all over the place and a
loud outside entertainment sound system.
It would have parking for 200 old cars and I was going
to paint it snot green with tatty pink trim.

The City Council told me to get lost.

So I sent in the application again,

but this time I called it a


Work starts on Monday


Anonymous said...

I guess they took your suggestion yo heart because they received approval for their variance. whole issue is moot now. Have you ever though of writing professionally? You write better than I do and your articles (even though they were mostly mean spirited and nasty) were exceptionally well written. You probably could write professionally. I think that you write better than most, All the best.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Thank you for the compliments.

The issue is only as moot at Etz Chaim lets it be. Please read

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