A special Tisha B'Av Drusha from my brother
Rabbosai there is hope in these troubled times.
I use the heilige (holy) term Ninve because just like the inhabitants of Ninve repented for their evil ways there is hope for the future of all the yiddishe kinder and the sefardim at Ohr Saadya that they will repent and return to the fold of the tzibbur (the community) of Teaneck.
Rabbi Zitzinheimer MacDougal on the laws of Tisha B' Av
Rabbeisai (Holy Rabbis) Tesha Bav is a special time where all the yiddishe kinder (Jewish people) take the time to actually sit during a weekday. No running, jumping, hopping, skipping, rolling or dancing for Hashem's holy children. In a technically advanced age this is a big deal for anyone not just all the yiddishe kinder. Tomorrow night is a very holy night for sitting and listening to Eicha the holy book that is read on Tesha Bav.
Not only must we sit but we must sit on the floor or on small stools or technologically advanced mini beach chairs. The beach is assur (not permissible) to go to and stare at the scantily clad women without schvim kleids, the chairs are ok to use in Shul, unless of course there is a scantily clad woman on the chair. That is Assur of the highest degree, but the nekeivas (women) are nice to look at and really helps the concentration.
One may not wear leather shoes because its super comfortable and a sign of being rich when we are supposed to be like a poor person mourning and feeling sad. Rabbosai you may wear the Tretorn Skymra SL Lace-Up Canvas Sneaker because it is made of canvas not leather. You can perform a huge hiddur mitzveh (enhancement) for Tesha Bav and buy it on amazon for $750.
Drinking and eating is not permitted on the holy tzoim (fast) yum tuv (holiday) of Tesha Bav unless you are suffering from pavlovian urges and really get hungry for a delectable hot kiddush and mashke when you drive by or get to shul. I posskin that you follow the Hydra Rav and use vitamin suppositories to nourish to body like a hydra.
You may not wash your hantelach (hands) past your knuckles, but roiv (most) people don't seem to wash them so this halucheh (law) is one you don't have to remember anyway.
For the best Tesha Bav experience, I recommend a Shul with a women's section, with lots of mashke (booze) and loose moral standards with fraud and gambling, a Ninve (Non Jewish city that Jonah got to repent after the whale vomited him up) if you will like the one at the residence of the brilliant Bekiyus (proficiency) of the Rav of YU at 554 Queen Anne Rd.
But I digress. I would like to share something I read on Tesha Bav that is fitting for our times and Shluffenheimer's message to the sefardim (spanish/porteguese/middle eastern Jews) at Ohr Saadya. It is from the ou.org and it has shaychis (appropriateness) to the matzav (situation) in Teaneck with Ohr Saadya today.
The prophet Jeremiah spent years warning his people that they repent and stop insisting that the Temple would protect them. To his chagrin, the Jews honored the Temple more in spectacle than in spirit.
But, the Jews ignored him, even imprisoned him, and to his unbearable agony, he was proven right. The Temple was destroyed, the people ravaged, the nation dispersed and he was the witness.
The book of Eichah is timeless. Although it was composed in the wake of the end of the first Temple era, the Sages of the Midrash find it full of allusions to the destruction of the second Temple, over 500 years later. This is not at all an anachronism, because Jewish history is a continuum. Just as we live by the torah that was given over 33 centuries ago, so we are molded by the experiences of our forbears and the historical epochs they created.
Jeremiah weeps and we weep with him, because – if we are thoughtful and perceptive – we can see all of Jewish history in the dirges of Eichah. This is the challenge of Tisha B’av. Can we realize that this is not merely a day of tears, but of challenge and hope?
The book of Eichah calls Tisha B’av "a day of Jewish rendezvous with G-d" and we don’t recite Tachanun because it has elements of a festival.
Rendezvous with G-d? Festival? On a day of destruction and suffering? Yes, because Tisha B’av proves that G-d is not indifferent to Jewish conduct. We matter to him. And since we do, we know that He awaits our repentance and that there will be a third Temple, an eternal one.
The Sages say that the Messiah will be born on Tisha B’av. Let us read Eichah with the prayerful hope that he has already been born and that this day next year will be a day of joy.
OY! Alla Da Yiddisher Kinder should know that Shluffenheimer is like the prophet Jeremiah in that he weeps and cries and lives through the scorn and deridation of the Jewish people of Etz Chaim and Ohr Saadya as they ignore his lessons and pleas for repentance for their actions that affect all the yiddishe kinder.
Hashem watches and judges the actions of am Yisroel (the Jewish people) and the actions of these Ohr Saadya and Robert Erlich and Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman and Zalman Levine and Akiva Shapiro and Rachelle Mandelbaum are causing negativity towards Jews and a huge chillul (embarrassment towards) Hashem and towards the yiddishe kinder of Teaneck.
Rabbi Feldman's disciples who comment on this holy blog with their foul language embody all the negative traits of the Ninve at 554 Queen Anne Rd.
Hashem watches and judges the actions of am Yisroel (the Jewish people) and the actions of these Ohr Saadya and Robert Erlich and Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman and Zalman Levine and Akiva Shapiro and Rachelle Mandelbaum are causing negativity towards Jews and a huge chillul (embarrassment towards) Hashem and towards the yiddishe kinder of Teaneck.
Rabbi Feldman's disciples who comment on this holy blog with their foul language embody all the negative traits of the Ninve at 554 Queen Anne Rd.
Rabbosai there is hope in these troubled times.
I use the heilige (holy) term Ninve because just like the inhabitants of Ninve repented for their evil ways there is hope for the future of all the yiddishe kinder and the sefardim at Ohr Saadya that they will repent and return to the fold of the tzibbur (the community) of Teaneck.
As we say in Eicha:
Hashivenu Hashem Eilecha VenaShuva - Chadesh Yameinu KeKedem
Hashivenu Hashem Eilecha VenaShuva - Chadesh Yameinu KeKedem
Bring us back to you Hashem, and we shall return, renew our days as of old
Drop the lawsuit heilige neshama (holy soul) Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Robert Erlich and Akiva Shapiro and approach the Board of Adjustment with love and respect and don't forget
אנחנו חייבים לבצע את חוקי המדינה בה אנו נמצאים.
While we are in golus (exile) we must follow the laws of the country we are in and Ohr Saadya should file for everything they want for their family room in the BOA of Teaneck, the way that Hashem wants them to.
Have a good shabbos and a meaningful fast,
Rabbi Zitzinheimer MacDougal
אנחנו חייבים לבצע את חוקי המדינה בה אנו נמצאים.
While we are in golus (exile) we must follow the laws of the country we are in and Ohr Saadya should file for everything they want for their family room in the BOA of Teaneck, the way that Hashem wants them to.
Have a good shabbos and a meaningful fast,
Rabbi Zitzinheimer MacDougal
Wowy kazowi, what a moving speech, There is nothing left to say.
That is not true 1:55, there is always something that can be said in any given situation. A person must choose their words carefully before speaking, this is what Budda would have wanted, Amen Amen
Have an easy and meaningful fast everyone. Remember the fast begins at 8:15 tomorrow night so act holy and be pure of heart.
MacDougal, do you think that Rabbi Daniel is going to spend tisha beav talking about the churban he has caused in teaneck?
The three faces of eicha
Why don't you attend his minyan and find our 5:57, you can answer your own question boy.
Because 6:22 I have standards and will not attend services at a place that is a house of ill repute. Wait, it's not a house anymore, now it's a shul so I guess it's a shul of ill repute.
Like ur style 6:09. The rabbi will probably quote lots of rishonim.
Go anyway homey, I have a feeling that any house you enter is a house of ill repute so there is no reason not to attend, right up your alley dude.
There will be a fastfood lunch at Mac's house at around 1 pm all fans are invited, the address is 325 angry boy lane, byob guys, a guten rush A B 'av
I live at 554 Queen Anne Rd. in Teaneck. Please use the front door. If I don't answer please ring the doorbell repeatedly until I answer.
Easy fast everyone
They are not there 10:02, I believe they are at Care One this morning, question is why aren't you reciting k nos my man? Get off they're property you will be charged with trespass.
Mac, I am hungry, how do I get to your house, I heard in Scotland they only fast until 3 PM. What kind of fast food are you serving, easy fast people.
11:47 You have a serious reading comprehension issue Mac gave his address in response to the comment before
I am so impressed that the amazing Etz Chaim people are at Care 1 saying kinot and davening so that the residents of Care 1 have a minyan for a day that none of them are fasting. Go Rabbi Daniel and friends.
Get real 12:28. They are at Care One bc they are not allowed services at 554 according to the stipulations they agreed to.
No. It's because the rebbetzin doesn't want anyone around on a Sunday morning.
I think 12:50 is right boys and girls, they are not allowed to pray at their own property on Sundays, that is why they took their case to the hallowed halls of the Bergen County Court House. Don't you hungry boys know anything. Go to Mac's it is time for scotish lunch.
Hey 11:47, did you know that One Saadya was voted the most innovative Synagogue in 2012 in all of Bergen County, by the Jewish Standard's People's Choice Awards? What do you have to say for yourself now, you twit? Lucky you don't go there that would hurt it's public image.
Actually you are wrong 2:05, they came in 4th, not even worthy of mention, I guess it is that reading comprehension issue again. 11:47 he called you a twit, aren't you going to defend yourself?
In the end Mac will lose. He is like the Joker in Batman. Evil always fails in the end. Actually seriously Macdoo there is an open bed in Bergen Regional, parlé vous Français, toi aren lunatic.
Actually, thé Joker always got away so that is a bad example. Maybe the Penguin, Batman always kicked his butt, but OS as Batman, don't know-all about that one dude.
The people on this site and its author seems to attack other people and a shul with venomous hatred, yet it appears these attackers are themselves acting improperly (suggesting people ring the doorbell of another, and stating what the rebbetzin would want). While I may not approve of the lawsuit, stating that the women in a shul are drunks, and the shul has loose moral standards with fraud and gambling is an outright lie. I personally know many people who attend this shul that are wonderful religious people, and writing this article causes more harm than good. In a time when Jews are being attacked from all sides, perhaps we should leave the antisemitism to others. After all, there are two sides to every story, and this is not a criminal issue (e.g., child molestation, theft, fraud, all of which we have become aware that "religious" people have done) where the facts are more clear. Instead, people would prefer to sling garbage back and forth at each other, which causes a further downward spiral of all involved.
Of course, for those of you claiming that the shul is not religious, etc. who are you to judge? Besides being wrong, at best your statements are lashon harah, and at worst hotzaat shem ra.
If you don't like what they are doing, do not associate with them. Writing defamatory and ignorant posts and comments makes you look worse than the people you slander, and it only further divides a Jewish community.
Hey 7:16. So it's not true that Rabbi Feldman told all you guys not to comment on the log? Or maybe he did tell you not to but you are on here anyway. You obviously respect him!
7:16 your posting is funnier than Macs you are many years too late to the party and have not read this blog or 554queenAnne.info you also do not know the congregants, their history or a thing about them. Fraud, alcoholism, gambling are part of the shuls culture and rabbi Feldman hasnt stopped it since 2007. The whore saadya leadership who gave a big f$*+ you to Teaneck and the shul's neighbors are causing the chillul Hashem. Criticize the commenters who defend Etz Chaim for their language and comments not the hilarious and informative blog.
Amen 7:43.
Holy crap. Some of these guys are so completely out of touch with reality. 7:16 really has no freaking clue what his rabbi and friends have done or are all about. Someone get this guy a clue.
7:16 is not wrong hé is Actually right on the money. This Blog is no better Than the people you attack Mac. If you truly have learned anything from Tish à B'av, you would shut down your blog, you are hurting The Jewish Community as much If not more, you fans obviously do not seem to get that.
Moderator's Comment:
I am enjoying all of the new comments, some of which suspiciously sound like the ones from the Teaneck Patch article which I wasn't allowed to participate and post my comment.
Mr. 7:16 The leadership of Ohr Saadya has not followed through on the bein adam lchaveiro parts of the BOA's decision and the lawsuit is a smack across the face to the neighbors of the synagogue and all of Teaneck at large, especially the Jews. It started with the Teaneck shul and continued all the way with Ohr Saadya. The lawsuit and synagogue of hate started by Rabbi Feldman and funded by benefactors who would like to see the synagogue down the avenue disappear are the root of anti-semitism. You wrote that you do not approve of the lawsuit and you know them so well, so get them to drop it.
The shul has loose moral standards with fraud and gambling is the truth. Since when does religion get in the way of committing fraud or gambling? Read "Paradise Lost" for some of the fraud and for the gambling you should get to know your "friends".
In a time when Jews are being attacked from all sides, its time to police our own instead of turning a blind eye until its too late. You are in the perfect position to do something meaningful about it and yet you aren't. Their actions, which you disagree with, affect me and every Jew and NON Jew in Teaneck. I write a blog to raise awareness. What are you doing about it?
Mr. 8:46 what I learned from Tisha B'Av is that this blog is more important than ever before. Too many Jews are comfortable with the status quo and accept what they are told and accept people's actions just because they are Jewish. Its time to wake up and identify injustices that are occurring around you and this lawsuit is one of them. Your ignorance is harming the Jewish community. Its time to take off the "religious" blinders and look at the community around you and see that you are harming all of Teaneck with your noninclusive ways.
Ei Mac, it is important to you but is it important to the Community? Doubtful, dude when I post on your site I am just generally being a wise ass. 7:16 was being sincere in his comments and they were well though out. Instead of just giving your usual arrogant reply, maybe you should re read his comments several times. Based on your reply you have not learned anything from Tisha B'av, your actions do not help the Community they harm it. If you were not so fueled by hate you would see that, perhaps. You are harming the Jewish people more than them, far more, sad you arrogance blinds you to that.
10:30 where's mac's arrogance? Stop the suit & stop supporting the abdelhak//Levine vendetta Shul.
Does a tisha B'Av just wipe out all the bad things that Etz Chaim has done? Does a fast just make all their misdeeds go away? Their lawsuit is still in play, they still think they are entitled to do whatever they want and that the town owes it to them to allow them to do what they want. No Etz chain, no Rabbi Daniel, no Bobby Erlich, no, no, no! Start acting like part of the community, not like the community has to bow down to you. We don't and we won't!!
You can't stop them 10:50, Ohr Saadya is unstoppable. They will win their case beat all of teaneck and then conquer all of Bergen County, then N J, the the USA and eventually the world.
I highly doubt that dude. It is not set in stone that they will even win their case against the BOA. They could lose that so I doubt they are any real threat to National Security. Watching too many movies my man.
Mac do you know when their case is scheduled for trial?
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