August 17, 2012 is Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya's next court date VS the Teaneck BOA. What do you think will occur on August 17th? What will Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya do?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Complaints? Comments?

Let the ”puppet”ship of OHR SAADYA know how you feel:

Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Founder and Spiritual Leader –

Robert Erlich, President and
Spokesperson Under Duress –

Levi Goldberg, Vice President and Gabbai 1-3 –

Gabrielle Silverberg, Treasurer NOT Gambler–

Yaakov Kramer, Secretary and Doodler–

AvI-Gil Chaitovsky, Board Member -
Feldman Affirmative Action –

Yaron Hirschkorn, Board Member –
Zalmallen Levinohen Affirmative Action

Feel free to CC me on your emails.

Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya needs to know that you do not support them


Anonymous said...

I doubt they care very much who supports them among the general populace of Teaneck. So your comments or anyone else's matters little. They will forge ahead with their plans and their lawsuit against the municipality.

Anonymous said...

They care about themselves!!

Anonymous said...

I think that you are running out of ideas. This post was really not that funny. Nice try but no cigar on this one.

Anonymous said...

Your missing the point Anon 4:51, I doubt Mac is really doing this to be funny. He is doing it to make people aware of what these guys are doing. It is a travesty what is occurring. It hurts other Jews in this community and I doubt these guys care about how they are damaging the Jewish Community and we are viewed by our neighbors.

Anonymous said...

5:32 give me a brake, this blog is causing more damage to the Jewish Community than anything they have done. Baseless Hatred, isn t that what destroyed the 2nd temple and caused the death of Rabbi Akiva's students besides the fact that mac doodle is attacking a Torah scholar, that is a serious violation of Jewish Law. Obviously your creative and write well but isn t there a more positive way you could use your talents. You don t think that non Jews who may read this don t interpret this as reflecting negatively on all Jews. Think about that.

Anonymous said...

Do you read newspapers, blogs, listen to the radio, TV news, internet news sources, Facebook statuses, twitter?

Jews do bad things and get punished for it. Rabbis and plain ole Jews as well. Wake up! There was a Sanhedrin and court system going all the way back to Moses. Even Moses, Aaron, Miriam and most of their generation got punished and they received the Torah and were bigger Torah scholars than any Rabbi today. Rabbi Fish, Rabbi Schwartz and others connected to Solomon Dwek, Rabbi Butler and son, Rabbi Lanner all tainted and guilty. Let's not forget Madoff, Butler and a host of others over the years. All of them guilty and Jewish and don't forget the Naturei Karta.

The biggest enemy to a group like Ohr Saadya is transparency and that is what MacDougall is providing. Your argument that he/she/it is causing damage to the Jewish community with non Jews can be said about every Jewish standard, Jewish Press, Jewish Week, Yeshiva World, VosIzNies, Commentator etc. Anyone who is Jewish and reports negativity about Jews is included in your argument. Email and call all of them and ask them to stop.

While you are at it go to the source and tell rabbi Feldman to get his synagogue to stop creating negative press. Macd isn't making this stuff up and that's why you and your kind hate this blog. Its a huge turd of truth.

Anonymous said...

8:09 all the Rabbis you listed including Dwek engaged in criminal conduct, Ohr Saadya if they tried to deceive the town in creating a synagogue violated civil zoning laws nothing they done is criminal which makes much of your argument bogus. The point is not to contribute to the negativity which both you and I are guilty of by being on this blog. If you really believe in G d then you would hold to the concept that Hashem will determine their fate. Again I will say that the person or persons behind Mac are incredibly creative, but here they are mis using their talents,

Anonymous said...

Hashem helps those who help themselves.

Anonymous said...

8:56 - Criminal or civil, crime is bad no matter what. Just because something doesn't rise to the level of criminal doesn't mean that it isn't evil. Bad actions should always be stopped and good people must never stand for them, ever!

And that crap about Hashem determining their fate?? While he may or may not punish bad actions, we still have the moral obligation to bring bad actions to the attention of the law so that the perpetrators are dealt with before god gets his hands on them.

Anon 8:08 really makes a very good point. If it wasn't for good people standing up against the evils perpetrated by bad people, those bad people would still be doing their bad things.

I commend McDougal on publicly outing the bad actions of people who think they ccan get away with whatever the hell they want. He is someone who is taking a valiant stand and deserves compliments, not condemnation. Go Mac!!!

Anonymous said...

Guess so 9:18, everyone should be out for themselves that is what it is all about right?

Anonymous said...

No 9:30! Some people really do try to do good for the world instead of pretending to like the Etz Chaim group. It's like their claim that they increase diversity in the area. What a crock. I think not was Bobby Erlich who said that one.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

teshuva, tefilla, tzedaka
Hashem wants action AND faith so you have to do both and not just sit on the side lines.
Hashem helps those who help themselves.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

That's why I do this. Thank you 9:18.

Anonymous said...

Hey macdoofus all these good people defamed on your blog of hate you are the naturei karta of teaneck first Levi Goldberg and now this list do you have no shame

Anonymous said...

If that is your view 9:28 them you have a warped sense of Judaism, your wrong and you should really rethink your position. Criminal and civil are not the same thing and your faulty rationale can't make something governed by civil law criminal in nature. Are they wrong for suing the tiwn, yes I think that they are, but that doesn t make trashing them on a blog anymore right. However, given your rationale I am not going to change your thinking, but two wrongs don t make a right. It is that simple.

Anonymous said...

dina malchuscha dina. So ya gotta follow all the laws cause its the Torahdicka way.

Anonymous said...

This is post 9/11 America. If you see something say something. Mac sees something and is letting everyone know.

Anonymous said...

Right on broham 10:04 solid right on rock it out brother. Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left.

Anonymous said...

An unethical Judaism is perverted and wrong. And those who condone unethical behavior practice a flawed version of the religion.

Anonymous said...

10:03 do you think that EC OS is doing the right thing by suing the town? They kind of set themselves up for this blog don t you think? Also we are the ones paying for their case, how is that good for the town blog of hate or not.

Anonymous said...

Some of you guys hit the nail on the head. All we have to do is follow the halacha. Kosher food,as many brachot as you can, check your shatnez, sacrifice some lambs and ignore everything around you. Which causes the greatest harm to Jews? Unethical conduct(criminal or civil) or protesting unethical conduct by Jews? Heck who cares if some none Jew is oppressed. Just keep churning out those 613 mitzvot and God will love you.

Obviously the Neviim made no impression on some of you.

BTW I ain't no robot

Anonymous said...

The Neviim obviously have had a minimal impression upon you as well 11:07 PM actually you are a robot because you cannot think for yourself you let Mac do your thinking for you mazel tov.

Anonymous said...

2:13. Agreeing with someone or individual points someone makes doesn't make them a robot.

Anonymous said...

Robots are those that blindly follow Rabbis like Feldman and don't question them.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:31 is assuming (incorrectly) that Rabbi Feldman is a leader. He isn't. Zalman Levine. He is. Bobby Erlich. He thinks he is because Zalman Levine let's him think that. Levi Goldberg. He isn't. Rachelle Mandelbaum. She is an has the plans to prove it. But, Rabbi Feldman is definitely not a leader. Those following him are really just following Zalman Levine. He's definitely the leader.

Anonymous said...

Its that why he isn't Rosh Yeshiva at YU?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 2:13 You are right I came away with a minimal impression of the Nevviim. I will list for you the few things I came away with.
Most of the Neviim took unpopular stances and bucked the authorities. They were more concerned with justice then ritual. Never heard of one who let Lashon Hara interfere with speaking out.
Also remember Asimovs law of robotics - Do no harm to human beings. Not a bad principle to live by- try it some time.

Anonymous said...

I don t follow Rabbi Feldman. I respect him for his scholarship. He is not my Rav in this community but it is wrong to disrespect him. I do not approve of what they are doing, I think they are wrong to sue Teaneck, but to do what all you great civic minded community people are doing here is wrong. Mac what do you actually gain by continuing this blog? if they are meant to lose they will, the trash on here will have no impact on how Judge Carver will decide this case. You are no more right than they are.

Anonymous said...

7:07 Who is your rabbi? You talk about him after Shul? You believe in not firing a Rabbi,too? You one of those care one guys that Feldman !#$&Ed over. He doesn't respect you what a joke. If you are reading Macd's gems you have a connection to Feldman one way or another.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

You say that ECOS is wrong. Instead of worrying about my musings, go complain to the puppets who can do something. Their email addresses are above.

Anonymous said...

7:43 friend: not only people here who have or had a connection with Rabbi Feldman. Just google Daniel Feldman or any of his friends and this blog comes up. You got to think that other are reading this and cringing about how the Etz Chaim group has behaved.

Anonymous said...

7:43 your the one who is a joke, no now I am a Beth Aaron guy if you must know. Better shul anyway, better Rabbi too. Any Rabbi would disapprove of this blog even Rabbi Ciment, but I doubt you hold by a Rabbi because you know it all yourself. Self rightous hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

8:52 Rabbi Rothwachs is Feldman's best friend and he approves of what Feldman is doing.

Anonymous said...

So tell me 8:52 Where were all the Rabbis who would condemn this blog when this started? Back when the first illegal synagogue was set up at 576 Queen Anne. Did anyone of them say anything?
No Rabbi at 554 so it would have taken less guts to make a stand then.
Why should I or anyone else respect them if they can't step up and reprove one of their own at 554 Queen Anne?

Anonymous said...

8:52, you know what I use to be completely opposed to what Mac was doing on this blog but once they sued the town I completely changed my position. When I look at the whole history, they targeted Feldman and had no interest in the Mercaz minyan, they wanted to regroup with their Arzei break away pals and every thing they have done was a sham. Suing the town shows the type of people they really are. You don t want to attach them fine, but it is worse to defend them. Think about it. They are damaging this town and our relationship with others in the community. Don t defend them. They are wrong. All Mac does is provide an open forum for discussion. How is that any worse than what the EC boys ate doing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry meant to say "no Rabbi at 576 Queen Anne".

My error.

Anonymous said...

Is Rabbi Daniel going to teach the congregation about the laws of kiddish tonight in the main sanctuary?

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