I had a great question posed to me this morning on the previous posting:
Anonymous said...
Here is an interesting question Mac. Why is it that you have no problem ripping Rabbi Feldman or Zalman Levine or Cohen, but the one guy that you have never taken to task in your open minded reporting is Levi (can do no wrong) Goldberg? He was right there from the beginning. He walked out of Arzei, took over the Gabbai position in the Jewish Center Orthodox Minyan and is involved in everything else. He is no better or worse than the rest if these houligans, yet for you he is above criticism. Why? June 24, 2012 7:08 AM
My response:
Shluffenheimer MacDougal said... 7:08am Critcising Levi Goldberg is like watching a puppeteer have his puppet make fun of you, but instead of yelling at the puppeteer, you yell at the puppet.
It does take a certain personality to be an effective puppet. You have to have be the correct balance of false modesty and two-faceness and not care about your family or livelihood. Etz Chaim had a ton of meetings at Goldberg's old office where he used to work. ”old” And ”used to”.
My guess and purely speculation is that Mr. Goldberg's bosses were not happy with all the afterhour shenanigans.
Levi is Zalman Levine's younger brother-in-law and Zalman wants to stay out of the spotlight, so he uses Levi as his puppet.
As a gabbai Mr. Goldberg wasn't worthy of my attention, so Mr. Vice President Levi Goldberg you've made the big time. Welcome to my blog. Thank Dr. Levine for all of the special attention you are going to get. June 24, 2012 8:22 AM
If you would like to let Levi Goldberg, Vice President of Ohr Saadya know how you feel, email him at goldberg@ohrsaadya.org
Anonymous said...
Here is an interesting question Mac. Why is it that you have no problem ripping Rabbi Feldman or Zalman Levine or Cohen, but the one guy that you have never taken to task in your open minded reporting is Levi (can do no wrong) Goldberg? He was right there from the beginning. He walked out of Arzei, took over the Gabbai position in the Jewish Center Orthodox Minyan and is involved in everything else. He is no better or worse than the rest if these houligans, yet for you he is above criticism. Why? June 24, 2012 7:08 AM
My response:
Shluffenheimer MacDougal said... 7:08am Critcising Levi Goldberg is like watching a puppeteer have his puppet make fun of you, but instead of yelling at the puppeteer, you yell at the puppet.
It does take a certain personality to be an effective puppet. You have to have be the correct balance of false modesty and two-faceness and not care about your family or livelihood. Etz Chaim had a ton of meetings at Goldberg's old office where he used to work. ”old” And ”used to”.
My guess and purely speculation is that Mr. Goldberg's bosses were not happy with all the afterhour shenanigans.
Levi is Zalman Levine's younger brother-in-law and Zalman wants to stay out of the spotlight, so he uses Levi as his puppet.
As a gabbai Mr. Goldberg wasn't worthy of my attention, so Mr. Vice President Levi Goldberg you've made the big time. Welcome to my blog. Thank Dr. Levine for all of the special attention you are going to get. June 24, 2012 8:22 AM
If you would like to let Levi Goldberg, Vice President of Ohr Saadya know how you feel, email him at goldberg@ohrsaadya.org
I don t know if it answers the question, but it doesn t matter. They will get what they want in the end. It is amazing that a guy like Dr. Abdallic (sp) has all this money to burn while other people are starving or can t pay their bills. If I had all that money, Lawsuit, money to charge the name of a prayer group, I hope that I would have used it differently. Doesn t every thing revolve around him?
Yes, the new name is after Y Ab s Grandfather Ohr Saadya and 100 plus thousand dollar donation and presto a new name.
I do not know anything about the Green monster but Abdyllic (sp) did sue the Jewish Press and others for alleged defamation. The minyan was started for him. So I guess that he made a 100 thousand dollar donation to change the name to Or Saadya kinda makes sense.
I think it's about more than 1 person. It's about Abdelhak, Levine, Cohen, Jutkowitz, Goldberg, Feldman, Erlich and others. But they are all one and the same - same single-minded desire to destroy Arzei Darom, same desire to always, ALWAYS get whatever they feel is due to them. They're all one person!
Rabbi Daniel is the key
Abdelhak is the key. They started this minyan for him. Feldman was there to be pursuaded to become their Rabbi but they bought the property and created EC for Abdelhak. He is why they left Arzei. Everything that they have done has been for him.
You forgot about the lead architect, Rachel Mandelbaum.
Mac, you devoted a whole post to Goldberg but you haven't given us any updates on Bob Erlich, Levines trained monkey. What's new with him? That guys such a freeking riot.
First of all Anon 10:07, that is what fuels the legal process. Regardless of whether or not Mr Erlich or EC agreed to the stipulations initially, when they reflected on what they had agreed to they realized that these conditions unduly restrict their right to use the property as they wish, as a shul. Right or wrong, this is why the Courts exist to resolve conflicts. Maybe they have an argument and maybe they don t. From what I have read it does not seem like the town acted improperly in issuing these requirements governing the use of the property, but that is what the Judge will ultimately decide. Some cases are fueled by arrogance or a feeling of entitlement right or wrong.
1. I am important. You only matter if it helps me.
Best exemplified by the common sports cliche "There is an I in Teiam it's just silent".
2.Cheating is ok as long as you can find a technical "out". I didn't copy from his paper, I read it and
paraphrased it.
3. Going to the RCBC (Rabbinic Counsel of Bergen County) to arbitrate a dispute of how close 2 shuls can be built to each other doesn't prevent me from denying that the next building I select is a shul. It is a prayer group in a private home.
This is like shooting fish in a barrel. Anybody else what to extract moral teachings?
12:11am You conveniently ignore Rabbi Feldman and Robert Erlich's quotes surrounding the approval, before and after. Can't argue Robert was under duress. He went above and beyond to show his happiness.
I will be posting on the blog Teaneck's slam dunk winning defense, courtesy of Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman and Robert Erlich. If i'm lucky, maybe even Mr. Vice President Dan Quayle, I mean Levi Goldberg.
I didn't ignore anything Mac Sarcastic doogie, I ve said numerous times that I think they are wrong for suing the town. However, that doesn't mean that when they agreed to all these restrictions that they fully comprehended the full import of what they were agreeing to. Also regardless of how good a defense is, there is no such thing as a slam dunk defense. I know you hate them and want them to lose and burn in the pits but a Judge and/or jury will not necessarily be looking at the facts the way you are. I agree that I do not thing the Board did anything to violate their rights but you and I will not decide the dispute. I doubt that you have an inside track on how the Court decide this case if they opt for a bench trial.
Ignoring history? Rabbi Daniel Feldman and Erlich laid out the parameters of the prayer group on the newspapers way before the BOA ruling.
They got what they asked for.
They also had the Rutherford Foundation, lawyers and their planning committee to advise them.
Sour grapes. Don't sue. Reapply.
And so what, they laid it out in the paper, they never wanted to be a prayer group, they wanted to be a shul. They could bot reapply to the BOA so fast, again. Your hatred is causing you to miss the point. The suit obviously shows their real intentions, that they always wanted to be a shul. They should have lived with the restrictions for a while. At this point focusing on history, who cares. Besides ranting.g about it on some blog what can u do about it. Nothing.
7:21am Exactly. They should follow the same rules every other organization follows. Are you saying its ok to do things that are illegal and a complete chillul Hashem as long as no one complains? That's how they got away with the Toras/Torat Chesed fraud and they almost got away with pretending a Shul was a family room.
If the neighbors didn't complain, you can be sure Ohr Saadya would be satisfied existing without a sign and running all their activities in Care One and R´ Feldman's shiurs in Beth Aaron and people's houses, right?
WRONG WRONG WRONG. They would have pushed the envelop withthe same sense of entitlement as they currently have.
You can be satisfied being a Jew that watches. We have enough of those in Teaneck and the world. Get off your tush and complain to your local RCBC Rabbi about the law suit. See if you get a real response or just a solidarity response. Talk to your friends and neighbors. See if they have friends in Etz Chaim and have them complain about the suit.
Don't be the wimpy Jew stereotype.
Then you lead the charge, complaining and crying on a blog does nothing. Complain to the RCBC openly and not behind a fictitious person. Otherwise suck it up and quit wimpering. Practice what you preach.
Who said I haven't ;)
My readership is greater than ever, even after my hiatus. This blog does plenty. Don't like it?.Don't read it. :)
Same old argument. Your blog does nothing. Never has never will.
Yet here you are.
Yeah Anon 10:24, so pipe down , go support your pals at EC if you don t like Macd's blog. This is the only forum in which the truth will come out.
Hey Mac hey long has Levi Goldberg been the VP, never knew that. They keep everything so secret over there. And keep in mind he can do no wrong. Perfect VP huh?
At the end of the appeal they will file a new plan and continue flouting/skirting the law.
What Appeal? I think they need to lose the lawsuit first before they can appeal Anon 11:42. And who do you think pays for all of this? The good citizens of Teaneck.
Hey Mac are you going to follow the trial? Could be intetesting.
You are correct I am here, I keep coming back to check your site because I have to admit sometimes you are funny. And Anon 10:37 I do not have any friends at EC or OS. I bet you are the one who is friends with OS
EC or OS?
Finkle IS Einhorn
"Finkle is Einhorn" ?
I'm lost. Did someone donate money so congregants will change names?
Why are you attacking Levi, he is the most honest and ethical person I know, you have no shame Levi would never harm anyone. You have gone too far Mac D.
Levi is the Vice President of 554 Queen Anne, Inc. DBA Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya/Toras Chesed/Torat Chesed. The leader of a corrupt organization has some scruples missing.
Levi is harming Teaneck taxpayers and Orthodox Jewry.
Thank Zalman Levine for being a positive role model and puppeteer.
8:14, Levi may be honest and ethical but then he's gott to be an idiot not to see what Rabbi Daniel and the rest of the ec leadership is all about with their shenanigans. I would vote for idiot that's had the wool pulled over his eyes by Zalman Levine, bobby erlich and dear rabbi Daniel. Levi isn't smart enough or have the cajones to take a stand against these guys. I agree with McDougal that as long as hes the vp of a corrupt organization he is also considered corrupt.
The only idiots are clowns who read this blog. Of course that would include the blog Master. Attacking a truly rightous person like Levi is inexcusable and this whole blog is lashon Hara. You really should be ashamed of yourself Mac whatever, don t you have better things to do with your time.
Loshon Harah means its all true. Thank you anonymous 6:26pm for confirming the contents of the entire blog.
Shluffenheimer MacDougal
Actually lashon Hara could be true or false it is still wrong to spread it and a violation of Torah law, you care about that, don t you?
Evryone in Whore Saadya is ritchous and is defendid in the coments of this blog. Its a freekin joke Leevi Goaldberg is calld truly rightous and theers a lewd outcreye but Rabi Daniel Feltman gets a steemin pile of poop from his congragasion. MacD was rite its all about Zalman Levine and his family puppet Leevi. Feltman meens nuthin to them whata circus they are
Motzai Shem Rah=false
Loshon Harah= true
Suing Teaneck which is one of the most open Jewish Communities in the US and accusing them of religious discrimination while committing fraud and following township laws along the way is a HUGE chilul Hashem and you are defending it.
What a load of cr*p!
You are getting all upset about lashon hara. Where were you when Guralnik was threatening to trash all of Griggs ave? When the original "family room" travesty was proposed? Did I hear a peep out of you holier than thou yahoos? The town Rabbis? Silence.
Your ideas of lashon hara are a means of communal control. Don't say anything bad about about the evil that is done. Wake up before you are shorn of your wool.
"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil—that takes religion." Steven Weinberg
Mac everybody has too sue somebody it is the American way. EC is just trying to keep the Courts busy, who the hell is Steven Weinberg? Is he related to Max Weinberg, Bruce Springsteins drummer for the E Street Band?
Impressive this post has drawn over 50 comments, is that a record?
Nobel Prize in Physics 1979
Max Weinberg is more important, sorry.
Another Jersey Jew embarrassed by Hates Chaim and Whore Saadya
Wasn't Max Weinstein fired from Conan for siding with Leno?
Maybe but it is Max Weinberg and he is still a great drummer. Leno has more clout than Conan Obrien anyway. I doubt he cares about EC or OS or whatever name they go by.
ROFLMFAO he graduated law school 2008 and he is using Whore Saadya & Heitz Chaim as a resume builder. He can't even practice in NJ without supervision.
Shapiro may be a novice lawyer but he was honored by Etz Chaim at their dinner last year so he MUST be a big shot. The town better watch out or he's gonna get 'em.
You are right. His firm biography mentions the Teaneck case and that he got nominated for an award for his work on the case:
"Mr. Shapiro has participated in the preparation of numerous certiorari and merits stage briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court, including as principal architect and author of a number of amicus briefs relied on by the Court in the constitutional, criminal-immigration, and separation of powers contexts. Mr. Shapiro is also CURRENTLY LEADING THE TRIAL TEAM IN A SUIT TO PROTECT THE LAND USE AND FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF A NEW JERSEY SYNAGOGUE; for his work on that case, among others, Mr. Shapiro was nominated for the Frank Wheat Award, given to lawyers in the firm who demonstrate leadership and obtain significant results for their pro bono clients."
Hey I thought that this post was devoted to Levi, if you want to now start ripping Akiva Shapiro shouldn t you start a new post to discuss this fine young and upcoming attorney. I think you set a new record with this one, you should get the Frank Wheat award Mac.
Hey what did I say homeboy this post does not deal with Akiva Shapiro. Mac should write a new post if you want to discuss Shapiro. This post is dedicated to Mr. Goldberg and don t forget it right Mac D Also very few people make it to the Supreme Court, get real
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