August 17, 2012 is Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya's next court date VS the Teaneck BOA. What do you think will occur on August 17th? What will Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya do?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Agunah Crisis

Amazing article on Vos Iz Neias today:

Longest Serving Agunah Finally Breaks Free After 48 Years

Read the article. It's a real eye opener and a real tragedy. A woman civilly divorced at 25 and no Get. She had Rabinical support and communal intervention and still no Get. 48 years later and her husband dies. Now she is free!

The Agunah crisis is real. This is a situation that couldn't possibly happen in Teaneck. I'm sure all of our Rabbis and their congregations would wholeheartedly support any poor woman in this situation. I can say very confidently that I know my Mara D'Atra Rabbi Zierler would.

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