You have to listen to the words maaaaaan. You're FeldBlind.
1:29 PM Feb 12th
Anyone up to go clubbing tonight? I need to get my dance on.
3:53 PM Feb 12th
Stayed home instead of going out. Felt it wasn't in the spirit of Shabbat. Maybe I'll get to synagogue tomorrow.
10:28 PM Feb 12th
Ditched today. Much too cold to go outside. My orthodox brethren I salute you!
11:22 AM Feb 13th
@etzhayimteaneck - Since when is CareOne an auxiliary minyan? Funny, the teaneckshuls emails don't mention you guys.
9:46 PM Feb 13th
@EtzHayimTeaneck - Which community? You have given a black eye to the Jewish community in Teaneck, especially the Orthodox part.
8:22 AM Feb 14th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
@EtzHayimTeaneck - Examples? BTW, What's up with the messed up spelling of etz chaim? Another ToraT/ToraS and pLayroom/pRayroom situation?
8:39 AM Feb 14th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
@EtzHayimTeaneck - How can anyone get to know you or know what you do for the community if you are not on Teaneckshuls?
8:55 AM Feb 14th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
Olympics are here and its time to set some records. Go USA my adopted country.
12:48 PM Feb 14th
@EtzHayimTeaneck No thanks. I only pray on the sabbath and do not want to be counted as one of the Etz Chaim members helping CareOne
1:23 PM Feb 14th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
@EtzHayimTeaneck - Rabbi Daniel Feldman is half the Rabbi his father is. His father would never be involved in a situation like this!
1:40 PM Feb 14th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
Get off your high horses. The Olympics are reality TV. Not as riveting as the Osbourne's or trainwrecky as Fantasia, but still must see TV.
8:06 AM Feb 15th
@etzhayimteaneck - Thank you for blocking me from following you. I can live without all the retweets. Typical EC- No originality.
1:44 PM Feb 15th
Too much snow. Should have been rain for Israel instead.
7:44 PM Feb 16th
When are the Jews of Teaneck going to learn? Ashkenaz or Sephard, we all belong to God. What God wants God gets God help us all.
7:46 AM Feb 17th
@EtzHayimTeaneck - Mazal Tov Rabbi Zierler!!! ROFLMAO YES!!!!!!!!
When caught circumventing the law, arguing religious freedom or that we are all Jews, hinders your case for sympathy in the secular world.
RT @EitzHayimTNeck RT @Chabad: Tzadik vs. Tzadi. What is the proper name of the 18th letter in the Hebrew alphabet? #Jewish #Hebrew
7:57 PM Feb 18th
So many viewers and only one follower. I've got broad shoulders.
Bet its still the same letter
8:03 PM Feb 18th
Ooops civilly divorced at 25 and no get with rabbinical and communal intervention. 48 years later her husband died. Can you believe it?
9:30 PM Feb 18th
Read the article off the link. It's a real eye opener and a real tragedy.
9:35 PM Feb 18th
One that couldn't possibly happen in Teaneck. I'm sure our Rabbis would all support any poor woman. I know Rabbi Zierler would.
9:36 PM Feb 18th
So Tiger looks like he has been through a scandal. Aged a bit.
11:11 AM Feb 19th
Shoprite of Paramus' expansive kosher section is no longer Bergen's best kept secret. It's crowded. Should really open more registers.
2:26 PM Feb 19th
Its in a newspaper. Its gotta be true. Yay! ROFLMAO -
3:08 PM Feb 19th
At Clapton/Beck. Amazing concert so far. I couldn't get tickets to last night's show, very lucky tonight!
8:09 PM Feb 19th via web
Good week everyone. Catching USA Vs. England in Olympic Curling. Must see TV.
6:15 PM Feb 20th
Read my kids a good night beddy bye story: The Little Shul That Cried Religious Discrimination. The moral of the story? BE HONEST!
11:33 PM Feb 20th
Is Rabbi Zierler is going to change the name of Hallel V'Zimrah Orthodox Minyan? There are so many choices.
8:40 AM Feb 21st
I'm thinking Darchei Noam because Teaneck already has Etz Chaim and Netivot Shalom in that area.
8:43 AM Feb 21st
In other breaking news, 2 more shuls are opening up on that side of town, Machazikim Bah and Tomcheha MeUshar.
8:45 AM Feb 21st
Sunday, March 7, the Union for Traditional Judaism (UTJ) will explore the rise – and fall – of independent prayer groups.
11:00 AM Feb 22nd
The program will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at UTJ Headquarters, 811 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck.
11:02 AM Feb 22nd
Reservations requested or 201-801-0707, ext. 201, or visit: Suggested donation $18 includes breakfast.
11:03 AM Feb 22nd
Some members of the private prayer group at corner Queen Anne & Van Buren should go. Learn a thing or 2 about life on the communal fringe.
11:06 AM Feb 22nd
You serious? RT @EtzHayimTeaneck: 2 members at C1 tonight! Come on guys, can't we do better than that?
3:55 PM Feb 22nd
Egocentric Tampering Zealous Callous Heinous Arrogant Ignorant Malicious Obtuse Failing Terrible Erring Awful Nebbish Evil Corrupt Kibitzers
6:24 PM Feb 22nd
I really hope Etz Chaim's illegally renovated Stop and desisted Kiddush basement room isn't flooded from all this rain.
4:49 PM Feb 23rd
Nothing says religious discrimination like keeping a Jew from his Kiddush!
4:49 PM Feb 23rd
ROFLMAO! This guy commenting on my blog took 7 hours to realize that my link connects to a petition AGAINST Etz Chaim of Teaneck.
11:23 PM Feb 23rd
Reward for information about who @eitzhayimtneck is. Confidentiality guaranteed. Two can play this game. My email address is on my blog.
I hate Target North Bergen. Would rather be in Bergen Town Center. Freakin' Blue Laws
Such a boring day. Anyone want to sign a petition?
12:27 PM Feb 24th
Feeling a bit homesick tonight. My country's colors are on the Empire State building.
10:23 PM Feb 23rd
RT EitzHayimTNeck Reward for information about who is. Confidentiality guaranteed.
1:13 PM Feb 24th
@EitzHayimTNeck Any luck with that?
1:13 PM Feb 24th
104.3 dedication to Etz Chaim of Teaneck - I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement by the Ramones. Don't sweat, Joey Ramone was a Yid.
5:08 PM Feb 24th
Hey Romeo There's somethin illegals been done down there I don't wanna go down to the basement. Who knew that song would be so relevant now.
5:08 PM Feb 24th
@EitzHayimTNeck My email address works fine. Stop discriminating against me because I'm Scottish. I have freedoms too you antiscottites!
6:07 PM Feb 24th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
@NiceJewishGirl They have to rotate the stock because a good shovel can spoil if its not stored correctly or they don't like making money.
9:40 PM Feb 24th in reply to NiceJewishGirl
Extreme haredi group offers to import Nazi, Inquisition costumes -,7340,L-3854027,00.html
11:13 AM Feb 25th
Too busy to pick up a costume? Run out of fresh ideas? Here's one - Neturei Karta: IDF Purim costumes worse than Nazi uniforms:
11:14 AM Feb 25th
If you order now, it will get to you by Purim Eve. Free shipping with all orders over $200.
11:14 AM Feb 25th
@eitzhayimtneck Thank you for the invite to CareOne for Purim. Sorry, but I can't make it. Will you be able to make a minyan without me?
8:12 PM Feb 25th
@eitzhayimtneck Kol Hazeman HaNer Doleck Efshar LeTaken
11:19 PM Feb 25th
How does Rabbi Feldman feel about Etz Chaim's hillul Hashem towards their neighbors & Teaneck Township?
9:13 AM Feb 26th
Or antisemitic backlash regarding their petition? READ
9:13 AM Feb 26th
9:49 AM Feb 26th
Updated, revised and packed with more information and fortified with Rabbi Daniel Feldman's thoughts on the situation.
9:51 AM Feb 26th
To all the haters, stop being anti Scottites. Check out especially if you are from Teaneck.
2:13 PM Feb 26th
Dug out, drove to synagogue and enjoyed a nice lunch with friends. Megillah was nice tonight. Death to the Amalekites.
10:44 PM Feb 27th via mobile web
@EitzHayimTNeck Was it advertised on Teaneck shuls? Hope you didn't disturb the residents who were sleeping. Leshana habaa b'554
8:19 AM Feb 28th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
@EitzHayimTNeck No activities today? You know when the residents are awake?
9:11 AM Feb 28th in reply to EitzHayimTNeck
Gowing ta sleap awf thia alcheehall hic hic
12:27 AM Feb 28th
Your tweeting is too loud. I can't hear the megillah. Shhhhhhhhhh
7:58 AM Feb 28th via mobile web
Some people just can not see the forest from the trees.
about 21 hours ago
Enjoy your meals everyone. Chew chew chew then swallow.
about 19 hours ago
The absence of drunk drivers & size of shalach manot proves that the RCBC influences the community. Don't support the Etz Chaim petition!
about 14 hours ago
Support the Jewish people, buy Iranian. By Jewish people I mean the Neturei Karta. Um, on second thought, don't buy Iranian at all.
about 5 minutes ago
It has been a lot of fun musing on Twitter. You keep reading and I'll keep musing!
Enjoy your Shushan Purim,
Shluffenheimer MacDougal