My three biggest pet peeves based on current happenings in Teaneck are
1. Super Padded School Board Budgets:
The Schools need money to operate, but their priorities are in the wrong areas. A strong school system is needed to make Teaneck desirable for anyone to move in. Everyone gains when your town is known for having good schools. The School Board needs to be more frugal in certain areas of spending.
2. Politicians Playing the Anti-Semitism card:
Politicians should have opinions, stances and platforms. Hopefully they are strong and powerful enough to sway voters to choose to vote for them instead of the other candidates. There are Politicians who want Teaneck’s citizens to vote for them solely based on race or religion. Voters need to be better educated to who the candidates are and what their election to the Town Council really means.
3. The “False Entitlement” of Orthodox Jews:
In communities all around the world we are seeing a rise in Orthodox Jews, laymen, Rabbis and private citizens alike, being caught breaking the law, criminally or civilly to the point where they are causing a chillul Hashem, with no concern for others, Jew and non-Jew alike. You make a choice when you deliberately decide to break the law after carefully weighing all the options. The public must be educated to what those types of people are about. They do not represent Teaneck Jewry and must be called out. will be focusing on all three of these pet peeves. Thank you for reading and respectfully commenting on the issues!
Shluffenheimer MacDougal
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