Monday, July 30, 2012

See Something Say Something

Countries around the world have ways to report activities or packages that one might even just suspect of being harmful and if you know it is harmful, it must definitely be reported.

In England you can see signs like this one

In Israel you can see scenes like these

Even in America you can see signs like this one in Washington, DC

At a nuclear facilities there are signs like this

And in NYC, after 9/11 you can see signs like this

Everywhere in the world, parents tell their children to watch out for strangers and suspicious activities. Adults report all suspicious and criminal activities to the authorities.

Unless you are an ORTHODOX Jews and the impropriety involves other Jews or Synagogues. Look at the news today and read about all of the deeds that were hidden for years and communities falling apart because nothing was said. Even their Rabbis, their spiritual leaders, preached for silence.

This blog is asking for Teaneck residents, Jew and Non-Jew, to stand up to Etz Chaim. Say something to Rabbi Feldman and the RCBC about the Torat/Toras fraud, the filing for the family room, nasty treatment of the neighbors (Jew and Non-Jew alike) and frivilous lawsuit against Teaneck taxpayers.

Rabbi Feldman is being PAID for his silence

The friends of Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya will never admit wrongdoing. Be brave and be strong and tell your friends that they need to drop the lawsuit and approach the BOA through proper channels like every other synagogue in Teaneck.

It time to SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING in Teaneck. ITs time for Jews not to be silent at injustices, but vocal to their leaders. Make Etz Chaim/Ohr Saadya follow the same rules as every other synagogue, church, mosque and non profit business in Teaneck.

Just because a Rabbi is cool and learned and is a man of the cloth, doesn't make him infallible.


Anonymous said...

Please be aware that inspite of your negative comments to my previous post on your earlier post, the poster after me understands the harm that you are causing. You are defaming a true Torah scholar and making tremendously false accusations against many fine people who attend this shul. You have taken nothing from the hollowed essense of Tish A B'av. Your claims of fraud and gambling, the lose morals of the shuls woman, it is wrong. You are obviously an angry person. Your actions are a tremendous sin against the Jewish Community. As I said previously, if you do not like the members do not associate with them. Do not commit a bigger sin by making comments many of which border on lashon Hara. Your actions are far worse.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Moderator's Comment:
7:22 I allow your rebuttals because I believe in both sides being heard.

Your comments on both posts show everyone that you skim/scan the postings but don't actually read them.

Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman is a community leader, not just some Torah scholar. He and his congregation are held to a higher standard because of his leadership.

You disagree with the lawsuit. Where is your contrary voice and descention? Why am I the only one brave enough to speak my opinion?

This is not a chillul hashem. I'm trying to help avoid a huge one in September. Robert Erilch's public displays are a chillul hashem. You should speak to Rabbi Feldman and voice your concerns, but you won't because you are a weak sheep following a tainted shepard.


Anonymous said...

MacDougal, please ignore 7:22 pm. The guy has got to be a lawyer with all his obfuscation. He's hiding behind the veil of lashon hara and mesira and all the other arguments this type of person uses to hide the truth of bad behavior. MacDougal, continue your work to shed light on the bad behaviors of Etz Chaim-Or Saadiya.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mac, you should charter this guy a podium and microphone or just an old fashioned soap box. His preaching righteousness is sickening.

Anonymous said...

9:17, all the guy is saying is that two wrongs do not make a right. Although if he is close to Ohr Saadya, I am not sure why he would post comments in this blog, I thought they were told not to comment on here. Mac always said he is open to all sides of the issue so don't negative commenters add to the blog?

Anonymous said...

Mac seems totally open to all sides. Kol hakavod! But this other guy is like taking flint to kindling and lighting flames of stupidity or at least blindness to the truth.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that these guys come on and fight and argue with us, but they don't engage MacD. Guess they are afraid of losing an argument against his truthiness.

Anonymous said...

10:58, that is Actually a fairly ridiculous comment. If you all agree with Mac, by arguing with you the pro Ohr Saadya poster is arguing with Mac is he not? Bty truthiness, is that even a word come on dude.

Anonymous said...

If you don't engage Mac on the points he brings up or rebuts you aren't arguing with him man you are Talking around him. Truthiness is a word

Anonymous said...

Your not avoiding him dude, generally the pro Ohr Saadya posters are arguing with everyone whoever that may be, pretty simple really even though they claim they were told not to post they are obviously posting anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yea and their arguments are not even based on facts, just what they think is owed to them. And then they accuse anyone who disagrees with them of loshon hora. Not a very good argument if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant 1:57, by arguing with guys like you and 1:49 we are arguing with Macdoodle. Very little combined brain power to argue with considering none of you are very bright. Mac posts lie after lie not backed up by anything and you morons treat it like gospel. That is what makes this blog so evil.

Anonymous said...

2:45 All of Macs postings have been linked to real info. That's why we trust his blog

Anonymous said...

2:45 what sound arguments do you ever advance? Besides insulting everyone else you don t back anything up either. Obviously you do not like what you are reading on this blog so why bother. If it annoys you go somewhere else. Why do you keep posting comments if your so upset by what Mac is saying in his posts? Are you under duress?

Anonymous said...

Only Bob Erlich is under duress!

Anonymous said...

See something, say something, good call, Mac you ARE committing a chillul hashem, you have been doing it for several years, you TALK about bravery how is it bravery to hide behind a fake name and defame others, if you disagree with them speak out openly, that would take courage though which you seem to lack.

Anonymous said...

12:13 can't speak for Mac, but have you said something to the Ohr Saadya leadership about the anti Semitism they are causing? Whats worse dude committing evil or reporting it?

Anonymous said...

12:49 - Like.

Anonymous said...

12:49, 12:13 is probably arguing on their behalf no, so from his perspective (or her I Guess) they have not done anything wrong, have they caused antisemitism in this Community? I can't answer that since I have not spoke to the non Jewish neighbors. It probably doesn t take much to provoke anti Jewish feelings, generally if someone disliked Jews, then anything we do promotes anti Jewish sentiment. Going go a pro Israel rally would do that

Anonymous said...

Hey whaaaat s up Macdougal, any news on the treachery of those Ohr Saadya boys, what are they up too my man.

Shluffenheimer MacDougal said...

Shhhhhhhh nu Minche

Anonymous said...

Any idea when the case in now scheduled for trial?

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